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Seasonal Treatments

To maintain a healthy lawn we recommend the 4 treatments below. This will keep grass healthy and weeds to a minimum.

Early Spring
Growth & Weed Control

This can be the most important time of the year. There is plenty of moisture about and the ground is starting to warm. The grass plant responds by growing vigorously and requires the right amount and mix of nutrients to encourage the grass to take advantage of the growing conditions which enable it to grow and develop.


Our treatment includes;

  • Application of specialist fertiliser

  • Professional feed for healthy growth

  • Application of liquid systemic broad spectrum herbicide to control common weeds such as dandelions, buttercups, daisies, plantains and start to control clover and other stubborn weeds


This treatment will help the long term development of a greener, healthier lawn.  If the grass is short of food it will not grow healthily and weak grass allows moss and weeds to develop. Healthy rapid grass growth will limit weed, moss and annual meadow (couch) grass development. 



Late Summer / Early Autumn

Moss Control

The warm weather combined with damp conditions can make this time of year ideal for lawn diseases to attack the grass. Each time we treat your lawn we check for diseases. The late Summer early Autumn is the key time to start applying moss control to kill the moss in the lawn. Moss is the biggest problem faced by the majority of lawns particularly those lawns on clay soils. We apply another application of our broad spectrum liquid herbicide to control any new weed growth, plus a low nitrogen high potassium and phosphorous fertiliser for root development combined with an initial application of moss control.


Our Treatment Includes;

  • Application of our broad spectrum liquid herbicide to control any new weed growth

  • Low nitrogen high potassium and phosphorous fertiliser for root development

  • Initial application of moss control

Early Summer

Growth & Control of Trickier Weeds


Application of slow controlled release no scorch fertiliser to encourage thick healthy growth in the grass. We change the balance of the nutrients in this feed increasing phosphorous and potassium and decreasing the nitrogen content as the demands of the grass plant change. There is sufficient nutrient in the fertiliser to nourish the grass for up to 10 – 13 weeks. Our fertilisers are slow controlled release and do not have to be watered in. However if the lawn is dry watering in will produce quicker results. A summer application of a broad spectrum systemic liquid herbicide is used to control both common and some of the more difficult weeds such as speedwell, trefoils and clover.  In summary


Our treatment includes;

  • Treatment adjusted to use a non scrorch fertiliser for drier weather 

  • Feed includes a greater amount of phosphorous and potassium and decreased amount of nitrogen content as the demands of the grass plant change.

  • Application of a broad spectrum systemic liquid herbicide is used to control both common and some of the more difficult weeds such as speedwell, trefoils and clover..

Autumn / Winter

Root Development

An application of feed containing essential trace elements combined with a very heavy dose of moss control. It is vital that moss which is the biggest problem facing lawns is controlled and not allowed to develop in your lawn. Heavy moss will be controlled by our moss treatment but as the dead moss plant does not decompose easily the lawn may require scarifying to remove the dead moss and thatch from the lawn to create space to allow grass growth to regenerate. Over seeding with grass seed may also be required depending on the amount of moss in your lawn At this visit we also check for any insect damage or traces of lawn / turf disease.


Our Treatment Includes;

  • Feed containing essential trace elements

  • A very heavy dose of moss control.

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