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Disease Control
Disease Control
There are numerous diseases that can affect grass. Most diseases are spread by spores and relate to current lawn & soil conditions. We have the knowledge and products to treat and cure most problems in your lawn by using the latest and safest fungicides.
Below are listed some of the most common:

Red Thread
An increasingly common disease that usually occurs in the late summer after periods of warm weather with heavy rainfall producing conditions of high humidity. Lawns with poor fertility are highly susceptible to red thread disease. The grass will gradually show signs of browning off with brown patches of dying grass appearing and you will see red threads on the grass stalks. High humidity, poor fertility and or blunt lawn mower blades smashing the grass ends are usually the cause of red thread. Serious cases may require an application of fungicide to control the disease. The lawn usually recovers in 2/3 weeks after treatment. Avoid watering late in the evenings as this encourages disease.
Fungal Pathogens
These can cause various turf diseases. Fine-leaved grasses such as bents and fescues are more susceptible than rye grass species.
Snow Mould
Snow mould occurs at cool times of the year. Brown patches appear followed by fluffy white growth.
Fusarium Patch
Yellow brown patches in your lawn usually but not exclusively during autumn and a white grey coloured mould particularly in shaded areas are indications of Fusarium patch. Lawns receiving too much nitrogen feed are susceptible as are lawns on compacted soil. Aerating and ensuring the grass receives a balanced fertiliser feed program can cure Fusarium patch. Serious infections will require treatment with fungicide.
Dry Patch or Hydrophobic Dry Patch
During periods of dry weather a fungus builds up around the soil particles and will have an effect of repelling the water droplets in the soil. A severe case of dry patch will result in the soil almost being unable to absorb water and any rain will run across the surface of the soil like rain on a glass plate. The grass suffers as moisture is not reaching down to the roots. Aerating your soil by spiking or hollow tine aeration combined with an application of a wetting agent to tackle the fungal disease will improve the water absorption properties of the soil and benefit the grass. Dry patch is an increasing problem in our dry windy summers.
Fairy Rings
Easily identified by a circle or ring of lush green growth. Depending on the type of fungus causing the fairy ring there may be an area of dead brown grass in the middle of the circle. We can advise you how to solve problems with fairy rings.
Mushrooms and Toadstools or Fungi
Fungi are nature's dustmen. Fungi convert dead organic matter into basic nutrients that re enter the food chain and are eventually re cycled. A few mushrooms or toadstools appearing in your lawn is a healthy indication that the fungi in your soil are active and breaking down perhaps an old tree root buried on the soil.The fungi appear on the surface and contain spores which are released into the atmosphere. If your lawn has a heavy concentration of toadstools etc then it may be necessary to treat your lawn. However just a few mushrooms here and there on your lawn will not be harmful.
If you think you have any of the above problems call us, we have treatments that are cost effective and efficient.